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June 2015
Powers of deduction: Tax deductions, environmental organisations and the mining industry
Donations to environment organisations in Australia are tax deductible as long as the organisation in question is listed on the Commonwealth Register of Environmental Organisations. This listing gives an organisation Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. A parliamentary inquiry is looking into the Register, largely at the behest of the mining industry. Parts of the mining
Leading by Degrees: Universities and Fossil Fuel Divestment
This report begins by outlining the fast growing campus divestment movement, globally and in Australia, and explores the debate about the ‘moral university’ and fossil fuels. It then explores the first national poll to assess public attitudes towards universities’ ethics and investments, conducted following the national controversy around the ANU divestment decision. The survey data
Submission: Springvale Planning Assessment Commission
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Planning Assessment Commission on the Springvale Colliery Extension Proposal. Our submission relates to the various economic assessments and reviews of economic assessments in relation to this project. Controversy has surrounded the economic assessment of the Springvale project, resulting in various assessments, submissions, responses and reviews. None of
May 2015
Tax: the need for change
Prior to the 2014 Budget the Government asked the Shepherd Commission of Audit to report on public spending. They did not include in its remit the cost of tax expenditures – money which could be collected but, because of concessions, is not.
Pensions and superannuation: the need for change
The Abbott Government, as part of its ‘budget repair’ efforts, wanted in the 2014 Budget to increase the pension age to 70 and to restrict pension indexation to the price index, meaning that the pension will fall relative to general community standards. It has now walked away from CPI indexation in the face of overwhelming
Do we need to burn forests to save the environment
The Renewable Energy Target (RET) requires electricity retailers to purchase a specified amount of renewable energy (the target) from certified generators of renewable energy. At present burning native woodchips or other biomass, is not a certified form of renewable energy under the RET. Including biomass burning in the RET will cause a number of direct
A super waste of money: Redesigning super tax concessions
Super tax concessions are increasingly being used by high income earners as a way of minimising their tax. This is not their original purpose. They were designed to encourage people to save for their retirement so they would be more self-reliant and less dependent on taxpayers. Assistant Treasurer, Kelly O’Dwyer, describes Super Tax Concessions as
It’s the revenue stupid: Ideas for a brighter budget
The government has claimed there are no alternatives to its budget vision and called on the senate crossbenchers to stop blocking its budget measures or find alternatives that stack up. This paper aims to do just that. In order to help the government out and shift debate back to good budgetary policy, The Australia Institute
April 2015
Who’s getting negative? The benefits of negative gearing by federal electorate
While a large number of people take advantage of negative gearing for residential investment properties in Australia, the majority of the benefits are more narrowly focused. A previous paper by the Australia Institute looked at how the benefit of negative gearing was distributed by income and aged groups. It also looked at how negative gearing
Top Gears: How negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount benefit drive up house prices
Modelling from NATSEM featured in a new report from The Australia Institute, commissioned by GetUp, reveals that more than half (55%) of the benefit of capital gains discount and negative gearing goes to the top 10% of income earners. Australia is one of only three OECD countries with this type of negative gearing regime. Working
Franking Credits Briefing Paper
Franking credits are worth about $30 billion per year in Australia. About $10 billion go to households and another $10 billion go to superannuation funds, trusts and charities. The remaining $10 billion go to other Australian companies. The international evidence shows that Australia is extremely generous when it comes to franking credits. But which are
Corporate tax avoidance inquiry: Submission
‘Now of course I am minimizing my tax and if anybody in this country doesn’t minimize their tax they want their heads read…’ – Kerry Packer giving evidence to the 1991 House of Representatives Committee of Inquiry into the Australian Print Media Industry when questioned about his tax payments. On 2 October 2014 the Senate referred an
Closing the tax loopholes: A Buffett rule for Australia
The report examines merits of a “Buffet rule” for Australia. The rule is named after billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who commented that his secretary should not pay a higher average rate of tax than he does. This paper is the first in a series of policy proposals that would not only reduce Australia’s budget deficit,
March 2015
The great Australian lockout: Inequality in the housing market
A new research paper from The Australia Institute reveals that home ownership rates in Australia are falling across all age groups, most significantly for people in their 50’s. Middle income earners are experiencing the sharpest decline in ownership rates. Housing affordability issues have changed the makeup of the housing market over the last decade. Not
Australia’s Tobin Tax: Arguments and evidence
The Australia Institute Policy Brief outlines: A tax on financial transactions, known as a “Tobin” tax, could protect superannuation, investors, and improve the operation of Australia’s capital markets and provide a source of tax revenue of over $1 billion per year. Tobin taxes or some form of financial transaction tax are in effect in over
Population Growth in Australia
The new report from The Australia Institute, Population Growth in Australia, reveals: · Population growth rate has increased above historic trends, largely due to immigration. · The ABS predicts population will be around 40 million in 2061 and up to 70 million by 2101. · Almost all of these people will live in major cities.
Not ‘how high’ but ‘for what’?
Submission to Senate Inquiries on the Higher Education and Research Reform Bill 2014 The debate about how high fees could go under deregulation has largely missed a more important question. When students pay more, what will they be paying for? If the HELP system is a way to pay for a service, shouldn’t higher HELP
Everyday Sexism
New research, released on the eve of International Women’s Day, finds that nine in ten Australian women have experienced street harassment and modify their behaviour in response. Actions women are taking for their personal safety include everything from crossing the street to avoid strangers, to pretending to have a conversation on their phone, to grasping
Coal in the Southern Highlands economy
Mining plays a small role in the economy of the Southern Highlands. The major employing industries are service industries, manufacturing and construction. While tourism is not separately counted in most statistical publications, the strong employment numbers in retail, accommodation, food and transport industry categories suggest it plays a strong role. Agriculture is a relatively small
Submission: Mt Owen continued operations project
The Deloitte Access Economics (DAE) assessment of the economic impacts of the Mt Owen continued operations project has significant flaws which overstate the value of the project and mislead decision makers. The assessment does not make clear the costs and the benefits of the project to NSW, contrary to Director Generals Requirements. Instead, it compares
Submission on corporations legislation amendment (deregulatory and other measures)
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Senate Economics Committee inquiry into Corporations Legislation Amendment (Deregulatory and Other Measures) Bill 2014. Our key concern is that the repeal of the rule permitting 100 members to call an extraordinary general meeting . Repealing this rule would be an obstacle to civil society, which increasingly plays
Privatisation of state and territory assets and new infrastructure
This inquiry has been established to examine the so called “Asset Recycling Program”. In 2013 state, territory and federal treasurers agreed to the program, under which the states would receive incentives from the federal government to privatise assets in order to promote the building of new infrastructure projects. The asset recycling program will cost the
February 2015
Submission: Corporate tax avoidance
The Senate referred an inquiry into corporate tax avoidance to the Senate Economic References Committee. The Australia Institute submitted a submission to the inquiry focusing, in particular, on non-arms length licensing royalties between related parties. This submission does not address the whole field of tax avoidance.
Large Scale Solar and the RET
A new report identifies huge potential investment in solar power, not just wind, is dependent on a stable, strong large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET). The Large Scale Solar and the RET report also suggests that a 40% target would provide an earlier tipping point to trigger major solar investment.
Submission: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
The Australia Institute made a submission to South Australia’s Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into unconventional gas. Our submission focuses on the potential net economic outcomes to the region and the rest of the state. The net economic effects of gas development in South Australia are likely to be small: There would be minimal impact on
Submission: Select committee into certain aspects of Queensland Government administration related to Commonwealth Government affairs
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Select Committee inquiry into Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration related to Commonwealth Government Affairs. Our submission focused on the use of economics in major project assessment processes. Approval processes for major projects in Queensland have seen the misuse of various tools of economic assessment. In particular
Submission: Abbott Point Port and Wetland Project and Abbott Point Dredging and Onshore Placement of Dredged Material Project
In December 2014, the Queensland Government sought submissions on the Preliminary Documentation around two related proposals to expand the coal port at Abbot Point. The Australia Institute made a submission on the Preliminary Documentation. Our submission showed that the Preliminary Documentation is inadequate as it contains no cost benefit analysis and no economic assessment of
Submission: Draft industry action plan
The draft NSW Minerals Industry Action Plan presents recommendations that maximise the interests of the minerals industry. While this is not surprising, the aims of the NSW government should be to maximise the welfare of the community rather than any particular industry. In some areas, the interests of the industry and the government are aligned,
January 2015
The Dash from Gas: Could demand in New South Wales fall to half?
UPDATE: The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on 13 April 2015 released a report confirming the slump in gas demand. At the time of the initial release of The Dash from Gas report, the industry and many politicians continued to warn of a potential ‘gas shortage’. A new report commissioned by The Australia Institute shows gas
Are there 27,000 jobs in the Galilee Basin?
In recent media statements senior Queensland Government members have claimed that development of coal mines in Queensland’s Galilee Basin will create 27,000 jobs. No source for this figure is provided in the media statements and no such estimate features in the Government’s Galilee Basin Strategy. No source is provided for this estimate. It is