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November 2024
Polling – Right to protest
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,005 Australians about the role of protest and protest protection in Australia.
October 2024
Submission: Inquiry into Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system
A submission to the inquiry into Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system, summarising an earlier Australia Institute report.
April 2023
Submission: Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023
The Australia Institute made a submission on the Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023.
August 2022
Woke up call
Given the context in which the term “woke” is used in media commentary, it may surprise readers to discover – for example – that only one in five people who described themselves as woke ahead of the 2022 federal election intended to vote for the Greens; less than the share of woke people who intended
March 2021
Polling: Violence against women
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Australians about whether they support an independent inquiry into the fitness of the Attorney General, as well as the way the Federal Government is handling recent allegations of violence against women and issues that primarily affect women.
July 2020
November 2019
Submission to an inquiry into nationhood, national identity and democracy
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s inquiry into nationhood, national identity and democracy. The submission outlines how the Australia Institute’s existing research applies to each of the committee’s terms of reference.
January 2019
Trolls and polls: the economic costs of online harassment and cyberhate
The Australia Institute was commissioned by independent journalist and researcher Ginger Gorman to estimate the economic costs of online harassment and cyberhate. This report is part of a wider research by Ms Gorman on cyberhate. In April 2018, a nationally representative sample of 1,557 Australians were surveyed about online harassment and cyberhate. The poll was
May 2018
Remote control: The Community Development Program, remote Australia’s Work for the Dole scheme
The Community Development Program (CDP) is remote Australia’s Work for the Dole (WFD) and “job assistance” scheme. In place since 2015, it operates across almost 75 percent of Australia’s area, an area with a population of just 304,000 people. Indigenous people are over 80% of the CDP’s 34,000 participants. In other words, CDP participants are
January 2018
Australians laid back about Australia Day – poll
While nearly all Australians (84%) think it is important that Australia has a national day of commemoration and celebration, most Australians (56%) don’t really mind when we hold Australia Day, so long as we do. And most people don’t know why Australia Day is held on January 26. Polling, released today by The Australia Institute,
December 2017
August 2017
June 2017
Still Anti-Asian? Anti-Chinese? One Nation policies on Asian immigration and multiculturalism
Is Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party anti-Asian? Just how much has One Nation changed since Pauline Hanson first sat in the Australian Parliament two decades ago? This report reviews One Nation’s statements of the 1990s and the current policies of the party. It concludes that One Nation’s broad policies on immigration and multiculturalism remain essentially
May 2017
Polling shows Australians don’t trust Trump on refugee swap
New polling from The Australia Institute shows the majority of Australians think US President Donald Trump will not honour a deal to take refugees from Manus Island and Nauru to be resettled in the United States. Half of respondents (51%) disagreed with the statement ‘Donald Trump will follow through on the agreement’ while 28% agreed
January 2017
The American Far-Right Origins of Pauline Hanson’s Views on Islam
In the context of One Nation’s presence in the Australian Senate, indications of increased voter support for the party and wider populist trends in the United States and Europe, Australians need to understand One Nation’s world view – especially where the party’s ideas come from. It is important to chart One Nation’s ideological and political
June 2016
Polling Brief – Asylum Seeker Policy
The Australia Institute commissioned polling on a number of issues relating to refugee issues. In brief: – 61% said that Australia should accept New Zealand’s offer to take 150 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru. This included 58% of Coalition voters and 62% of Labor voters. – 66% said it should be legal for doctors
March 2016
March 2015
Everyday Sexism
New research, released on the eve of International Women’s Day, finds that nine in ten Australian women have experienced street harassment and modify their behaviour in response. Actions women are taking for their personal safety include everything from crossing the street to avoid strangers, to pretending to have a conversation on their phone, to grasping
December 2013
Survey results: Women & Equity
The Australia Institute conducted an online survey in November 2013. Respondents were sourced from a reputable independent online panel who earn reward points to participate. Results were post weighted (n = 1404) by age and gender based on the profile of the adult Australian population. Small variations in sample size can occur from rounding errors
September 2013
August 2013
Youth survey 2013 election- issues & policies
Jobs for young people, housing, marriage equality and university funding are the top issues for young Australians ahead of the federal election, according to new research by The Australia Institute. The survey of more than 800 people aged 17-25, released tonight, asked respondents to nominate the top five issues that would be likely to sway
July 2013
Election 2013 youth survey – interest & enrolment
More than a million young Australians feel no political party best represents the needs of young people. The Australia Institute’s new survey of more than 800 respondents aged 17-25 found 47 per cent believe no party best represents them. 15 per cent of respondents said they were ‘disinterested’ in the upcoming election, while 30 per
June 2013
Election 2013 youth survey – part 1
Young Australians rate trust as the most important factor influencing their vote in the federal election, but more than a third haven’t decided who to vote for, according to research by The Australia Institute. The new survey of more than 800 respondents aged 17-25 found 32 per cent didn’t know or wouldn’t say who they