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July 2020
Submission to NT Econ Reconstruction Commission
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Northern Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission, highlighting research on fiscal stimulus design and the minimal stimulus that would be created from government subsidisation or other assistance to the fossil gas industry.
Submission to Helen Haines MP inquiry into a Community Energy Plan for Regional Australia
Between May – July 2020 Helen Haines MP, the member for Indi, Victoria, ran a national co-design process to formulate a Community Energy Plan for Regional Australia. The Australia Institute has made a submission that references our prior research including two publications by Dan Cass on community renewable energy and regional renewable energy development. Our key recommendations
Submission to Inquiry into sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW
This submission presents preliminary findings from a research project titled Rural Communities and Renewable Energy: A Socio-economic Study in NSW, conducted by The Australia Institute and University of Sydney Environment Institute. The key preliminary finding is that the lack of a national process for local engagement and planning of energy infrastructure reduces the benefits of
Dirty Big Secret: Financial performance of fossil fuel companies
Fossil fuels were the worst performing sector in the ASX 300 over the last decade. $100 invested in the fossil fuel dominated S&P ASX 300 Energy index in 2010 was worth just $104 by January 2020, dropping to $51 with COVID. $100 in the wider market peaked at $237, falling to $169 with COVID. Excluding
Gender experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown
The health response to COVID-19 has resulted in large increases in measured unemployment and underemployment as well as large falls in the total number of hours worked. While the size of these labour market effects has been widely discussed, the gender distribution of these impacts has not.
June 2020
National Energy Emissions Audit: June 2020
Welcome to the June 2020 issue of the NEEA Report, with data relating to electricity and gas updated to the end of May2020, and data related to petroleum fuels to the end of April. Data presented includes greenhouse gas emissions arising from: the generation of electricity in the National Electricity Market (NEM), the consumption of natural
How Good is the Australia-China Relationship?
It is easy for governments to disguise their inability to manage complex relationships by resorting to finger-pointing and name-calling. But the over-investment in emotion usually masks an under-investment in thinking. The stridency that distinguishes contemporary government pronouncements on China and Australia’s relationship with China is alarmist and alarming. We need a more considered and deliberate
Participating in growth: Free childcare and increased participation
The provision of free childcare provides the rarest of economic policy opportunities – it’s both an effective form of fiscal stimulus in the short term and has the capacity to boost the long-term participation rate and, in turn, the long run rate of economic growth.
Background Brief: Economic Importance of the Arts and Entertainment Sector
This background brief summarises Australia Institute research on the role of the sector and related polling. Key Details: The arts and entertainment sector contributes $14.7 billion per year in value added (GDP). Arts and entertainment employ 193,600 Australians. For every million dollars in turnover, arts and entertainment produce 9 jobs while the construction industry only produces around
The Reconstruction Memorandum
Tasmania can’t afford a bet on the pokies
The poker machine industry has been shut down in Tasmania since the 24th of March. The industry is set to re-open on Friday the 26th of June. Re-opening these venues will provide immediate employment to staff previously stood down. However, our research shows that, in broader terms, poker machines (“pokies”, “electronic gaming machines” or “EGMs”)
Trouble in Paradise
National Energy Emissions Audit: May 2020
Welcome to the May 2020 issue of the NEEA Report, with most data updated to the end of April 2020, and some data for May. Data presented includes greenhouse gas emissions arising from: the generation of electricity in the National Electricity Market (NEM), the consumption of natural gas in eastern Australia (the area covered by
Eden-Monaro Polling: Economy and Climate Change Major Issues for By-Election
New research from The Australia Institute has found that the economy and climate change are the two most important issues for voters in the seat of Eden-Monaro, with a majority of voters saying economic stimulus following the COVID-19 crisis should also address and build our resilience to climate change.
Government debt won’t hurt us
Treasury forecasts unemployment rising to 10 per cent in the June quarter and that without the JobKeeper allowance unemployment would be 5 per cent higher at 15 per cent. The Government responded with a series of spending packages with a cumulative total of $193.6 billion. That inevitably means more deficit spending over and the next
Securitisation – Turning Problems into Threats
‘Securitisation’ is a post-WW2 phenomenon. It began as part of the expanding struggle between the US and the Soviet Union for pre-eminence during the Cold War, where the US, as a matter of policy, leveraged the full panoply of its state power to prevail over the Soviet Union. As used in contemporary security policy texts,
Getting off coal: Economic and social policies to manage the phase-out of thermal coal in Australia
The evidence of a climate emergency is now undeniable. Any coherent response requires a rapid phase-out of coal-fired electricity generation. That also implies an immediate halt to new thermal coal mines and a gradual closure of existing thermal coal mines. Successful implementation of such a policy requires a strong and concrete commitment to facilitating employment
Submission: Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper
The Australia Institute made a submission on the Federal Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper.
Submission: Climate Change Authority Review of Emissions Reduction Fund
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Climate Change Authority’s review of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The ERF includes the ‘safeguard mechanism’ which is failing by allowing emissions to rise, undoing the modest abatement purchased under the ERF and abatement achieved in the electricity sector.
Delayed implementation of five minute and global settlement (ERC0298)
A submission to the ‘Delayed implementation of five minute and global settlement’ rule change, which seeks to delay the implementation of five minute settlement (5MS) and global settlement (GS) by12 months, from July 2021 to July 2022.
May 2020
Great Southern Hand: State emergency economic responses to COVID-19
COVID-19 had an immediate economic and social effect on all Australians. As businesses shut, state borders closed and millions of Australians lost all or part of their income, State Governments stepped in and provided immediate relief. This report compiles state government spending in support of existing businesses and community organisations in response to the COVID-19
Inquiry into Foreign Investment Proposals
The Australia institute is pleased to make the present submission to the Senate Economics Committee Inquiry into foreign investment proposals. This submission begins with some general thoughts based on earlier work at The Australia Institute. We note that Australia’s history has included rigorous debates about foreign ownership of the Australian economy. Sometimes that debate has taken
Submission on Australian National Audit Office Draft 2020-21 Work Program
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Australian National Audit Office endorsing proposed audits of the Underwriting New Generation Investment program (UNGI) and Snowy 2.0, and recommending close audit of the National COVID19 Coordination Commission (NCCC).