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November 2020
Impact of Social Media on Elections and Electoral Administration: Submission
The regulatory framework surrounding political advertising on social media is almost non-existent, in contrast to the strict rules for election advertising on other media. Partly because social media ads can be “micro-targeted” to small audiences, it can be hard to identify what political parties and candidates claim in ads or who they have made that claim to. Existing “Internet ad libraries” on some platforms do not fully address this problem.
Work and Life in a Pandemic
2020 marks the twelfth annual Go Home on Time Day, an initiative of the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute that shines a spotlight on overwork among Australians, including excessive overtime that is often unpaid.
Submission: A 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Consultation on the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) 2050 Strategy.
On the make
Rebooting Australian Aluminium
A new report from the Centre for Future Work highlights the continuing economic importance of Alcan’s aluminium smelter in Portland, VIC, and discusses the potential of new renewable energy technologies to underpin the facility’s rejuvenation and long-term viability.
A comparison of the economic impacts of income tax cuts and childcare spending
A comparison of the impact on employment of child care expenditure and income tax cuts of an equivalent net cost to the budget. The clear superiority of childcare expenditure in stimulating economic activity reflects the concentration of the benefit on a cohort with much greater capacity for labour supply response.
The Choices We Make
New research by the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work analyses the economic effects of COVID-19 on Tasmania, and suggests how Tasmania can ‘build back better’ out of the COVID-19 crisis, making key recommendations to help Tasmania avoid the mistakes made at the Federal level. Ahead of Tasmania’s State Budget, set to be delivered on 12 November 2020, in this new report the Centre for Future Work has explored what the shape of Tasmania’s economy could look like, and how it can recover and reconstruct after this pandemic.
Submission: Ensuring a strong and meaningful Code on Disinformation
The Centre for Responsible Technology made a submission to the consultation process on a digital industry code on disinformation, run by industry group DIGI.
October 2020
Climate of the Nation: Climate Change Concern Hits 82%
Submission on Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade regarding the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020.
Not For Publication
Budgets are a key part of Australia’s democratic system, with budget papers giving the public a valuable opportunity to see how much money is spent and on what. Some items in federal budgets are not made public, however, and are marked ‘not for publication’ or ‘nfp’. Often, items claimed as nfp are still being negotiated,
Submission to COAG Energy Council on smart demand response appliances
COAG Energy Council consulted on a proposed new national regulation that would mandate air conditioning and other consumer devices to have ‘smart’ demand response capabilities. This requirement would only apply to new appliances. The Australia Institute made a submission arguing that the economic modelling in the Regulatory Impact Statement justified making the decision as it
Submission to AEMC on 2nd draft of Wholesale Demand Response rule change
We made an independent submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the second draft rule and draft determination for the Wholesale Demand Response rule change. We supported the Commission’s more preferable rule on the basis that it contains a considerable number of changes to the mechanism which increase the effectiveness of the reform. We
AEMC submission supporting solar consumers
The Australian Energy Market Commission is considering a rule change that would allow distribution networks to charge households with solar PV for the energy they export. Our submission argues that it would be unfair to bring in a new system of charges to cover the supposed costs of DER before DER can also earn fair
Tax cuts or spending: What is the most effective stimulus?
Bringing forward stage 2 of the tax cuts is ineffective stimulus. Up to 12 times as many jobs could be created if an equivalent amount of money was spent on labour intensive industries.
Rethinking Official Development Assistance
This discussion paper was presented at a roundtable on the future of Australian Official Development Assistance (ODA), arguing that Australia has long had deep national interests in the provision of development assistance in the Asia-Pacific region, regional security concerns being not the least of them. If Australia is to “step-up” its aid in the Pacific
Public Service in Challenging Times
In times of crisis, governments have a responsibility to their citizens to maintain and expand their role in the economy – for both economic and social reasons. This responsibility has never been clearer than during the current COVID-19 pandemic, and its associated economic downturn. Australians are counting on their governments to protect them from the pandemic, support them through the resulting recession, and play a leading role in rebuilding a stronger, healthy society in the aftermath of this unprecedented catastrophe.
Tax and Wellbeing: The impact of taxation on economic wellbeing
It has been claimed that higher levels of taxation weaken the economy but a comparative study of 188 economies shows that higher levels of taxation are correlated with higher average income. The positive correlation also exists with other measures of economic wellbeing. Please note: this report was updated on 8th December 2020, correcting an error
September 2020
Towards a sustainable marine management regime: An update on Tasmanian progress
Tasmania is a unique and special place, wild in parts and populated in others, nestled inside a spectacular coastline. This little island provides a home for diverse marine ecosystems, supports regional economies, holds cultural significance for First Nations communities and provides recreation for hundreds of thousands of residents and visitors. The fishing industry is an
Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard
The Australia Institute and FearLess support the rescheduling of psilocybin and MDMA from Schedule 9 to Schedule 8 of the Poisons Standard. The potential risks from this change are small while the benefits are potentially large. Academic studies recognise the low level of harm caused by these substances. Despite researchers finding “easy to very easy”
Early tax cuts as stimulus – gender analysis
The benefit from bringing forward personal income tax cuts would mostly go to high income men. Despite recession job losses affecting women more than men, $2.19–$2.28 of the tax cut will go to men for every $1 that goes to women.
Reforming Tasmania’s state tax system – Some options
There hasn’t been any wide-ranging public discussion concerning the need for reform of the Tasmanian state taxation system, or what such reform might look like, since the State Tax Review Panel process initiated by then-Treasurer Michael Aird in 2010, and which was abruptly terminated in November 2011. Tasmania’s state tax system contributes a smaller proportion