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April 2021
Barossa Area Development Offshore Project Proposal
The Barossa Proposal could be one of the dirtiest LNG projects in the world, leading to immense harm to the environment in the immediate vicinity, and further accelerating dangerous climate change. Due to the high climate risks associated with this project, going ahead with the financing of this project would contradict the stated purpose of
Polling: Good Government in Tasmania
New research from the Australia Institute Tasmania finds most Tasmanians (87%) want Truth in Political Advertising laws, and a ban on political donations by the gambling industry (73.3%). Four in five (80.1%) Tasmanians agree the Tasmanian Integrity Commission should undergo structural change so its design is improved and its existing powers, including holding full inquiries with public hearings, are utilised.
How to make the Budget less sexist
Budget policy has traditionally advantaged men over women. This paper makes seven recommendations on how to improve women’s economic security and use the budget as a tool to reduce gender inequality.
Fossil fuel subsidies in Australia
In 2020-21, Australian Federal and state governments provided a total of $10.3 billion worth of spending and tax breaks to assist fossil fuel industries. The $7.8 billion cost of the fuel tax rebate alone is more than the budget of the Australian Army. Over the longer term, $8.3 billion is committed to subsidising gas extraction,
Polling: expansion of salmon farms in Tasmania
New research from the Australia Institute Tasmania finds most Tasmanians (63%) want to suspend the expansion of salmon farms in Tasmania, expressing widespread (63.5%) concern that the health of Tasmania’s coastal waters is declining. More than one in two (56.3%) Tasmanians agree the Tasmanian Government is not doing enough to protect the health of our oceans.
Short term ambition: 2030 targets for the US and Australia
The US is expected to commit to halving its emissions by 2030, based on 2005 levels. In other words, they will reduce emissions by 43% from today’s levels in the next decade, despite plans for massive COVID-19 economic stimulus. The new US climate target will abate 5.2 billion tonnes of CO2 and be a significant
Tahmoor coal
The Australia Institute made a submission to the NSW Independent Planning Commission on additional material provided to the Commission by the proponents regarding greenhouse gas emissions. The additional material is inaccurate, misleading and continues the low standard of information being submitted by the proponents and their consultants.
Wrong way, go back
What is the Federal Government’s Gas-Fired Recovery Plan? At its most base level it appears to be a series of taxpayer subsidies to export-focused gas companies. The process for allocating these subsidies is secretive, with no publicly available criteria, or even policy documents answering many of the basic questions of what the plan is aiming
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security
The Senate Select Committee on Job Security was appointed 10 December 2020, to inquire into and report on the impact of insecure or precarious employment on the economy, wages, social cohesion and workplace rights and conditions. This includes the extent of insecure and precarious employment in Australia, the impacts of COVID-19 with respect to job precarity and insecurity, the digitally-mediated ‘gig’ economy, and other matters. The Centre for Future Work has made a submission to the Select Committee.
Polling: Upper Hunter – Moratorium on New Coal Mines in the Hunter
The majority of voters (57.4%) in the NSW state seat of Upper Hunter support former PM Malcolm Turnbull’s call for a moratorium on new coal mine approvals and a remediation plan for existing mines for the Hunter Valley. The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 686 residents in the NSW state seat of
Submission on the Future Fuels Discussion Paper
The federal government can improve Australia’s low electric vehicle uptake through upfront purchase incentives, CO2 emissions standards, a 100% gov fleet target and correcting its own misinformation and modelling.
Rich Men and Tax Concessions
Modelling from the Centre for Social Research and Methods on income, wealth and gender distribution of negative gearing, CGT discount, super tax concessions and excess franking credits shows that these tax concessions overwhelmingly benefit high-income, high-wealth men.
Polling: Voluntary assisted dying and the Territories
Key results The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,434 Australians about their attitudes to voluntary assisted dying. Results show that most Australians support voluntary assisted dying with appropriate safeguards, and the rights of territories to legislate their own voluntary assisted dying laws. Three in four Australians (76%) agree with the principle that
Submission to the South Australian Government’s Consultation on Zero and Low Emission Vehicles Road User Charge
To address transport emissions, EV adoption is becoming a key component of strategies to reduce carbon pollution. Unfortunately, Australia currently lags behind other countries in EV uptake due to a lack of policies to decarbonise the transport sector and incentivise EV purchases. The South Australia state government says it wants to lead Australia in the
Get out of the diplomatic freezer: Bring back the Chinese students
The Australia-China relationship is at a low point. China has made its displeasure with Australia clear through a freeze on ministerial contact, trade import restrictions and criticisms of Australia’s human rights record. Beijing is waiting for Australia to make a move to improve the relationship, while Canberra has said that the ball is in China’s
March 2021
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
23 new coal projects are proposed in NSW, with total production capacity equivalent to 15 Adani-sized mines. Ten Adanis’ worth of these projects are proposed for the Upper Hunter. Local and international factors mean not all of these projects can proceed. A moratorium should be placed on new coal approvals while a coherent regional planning framework is developed for the Hunter. This framework should be based around a world with net zero emissions in 2050.
Opportunity lost
In March 2020, the Government lifted almost half a million Australians (470,000) out of poverty, including 75,000 children, by introducing the coronavirus supplement worth $550 per fortnight.
Inertia and system strength in the National Energy Market
This report has been prepared by the Victoria Energy Policy Centre (VEPC) for the Australia Institute to provide advice to the Energy Security Board’s Post-2025 redesign of the National Electricity Market (NEM). The terms of reference require us to examine the arrangements for the provision of inertia and system strength in the NEM. Inertia refers
Batteries and renewable energy can provide inertia and system strength in the National Electricity Market as coal is retired. The Post-2025 redesign is the opportunity to enable the energy transition with a fit-for-purpose security regime. This discussion paper summarises a technical study written by leading energy economist Professor Bruce Mountain and battery expert Dr Steven
Polling – Gender issues and quotas
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1005 Australians about their thoughts on gender quotas for the Liberal Party and their confidence in the Prime Minister’s ability to address issues primarily affecting women. Results show that: More than half (53%) of Australians support the Liberal Party setting gender quotas to achieve a representative
Unfinished Business in the ACT
Successive ACT Governments have said they are committed to a respectful relationship with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in the ACT and to working closely with them. The Parliamentary Agreement between ACT Labor and the ACT Greens commits the ACT Government to embarking on treaty discussions and rescinding certain restrictive clauses in
The banality of Anvil
The Australia Institute made a submission objecting to the proposal to expand and extend the Mangoola coal mine in the Hunter Valley.
Pleasant Dreams
The Australia Institute made a submission objecting to the proposal to expand and extend the Mt Pleasant coal mine in the Hunter Valley.
Polling: Electric Vehicle Policies
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of Australians about electric vehicle (EV) policies in January and March of 2021.
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Benefit to Australia) Bill 2020
Offshore oil and gas industries contribute little to the Australian economy in terms of tax revenue or employment. Many projects represent a net cost to the Australian community, as subsidies, cleanup costs, environmental impacts and resource depletion outweigh the relatively small tax and employment benefits. This bill should be supported as it could assist in
Polling: Violence against women
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Australians about whether they support an independent inquiry into the fitness of the Attorney General, as well as the way the Federal Government is handling recent allegations of violence against women and issues that primarily affect women.
Submission: COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020
The Australia Institute welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020 (the No EV Tax Amendment).
Representative, Still
One of the most extensive studies of Australians’ knowledge of and attitudes to the Senate finds that the Senate is a unique, powerful legislative body, but Australians are confused about key details of its powers and operation. The Senate provides accountability, representation and diversity to a greater extent than the House of Representatives.
Commonwealth Integrity Commission (CIC) Consultation
This submission is made on behalf of the National Integrity Committee. We are an independent group of retired judges who have been involved in advocating the need for a National Integrity Commission. The Committee was formed with the assistance of The Australia Institute. However, we remain an entirely independent body acting in the public interest
Briefing Paper: Women’s Casual Job Surge Widens Gender Pay Gap
This briefing note presents data on the gendered composition of the employment recovery since May. It shows women’s jobs returned on a more part-time and casualised basis than for men, and that the influx of women’s lower-earning jobs widened the gender pay gap between May and November 2020. While women were more likely to lose