Off the Charts // Democracy & Accountability
A picture tells a thousand words and Off the Charts is where you’ll find the charts and graphs that tell the most interesting stories. Across all the areas the Australia Institute covers, we give you the pictures that help you understand what is really going on in the world.
December 2024
An Australian whistleblower rewards scheme could reduce white-collar crime while raising billions in revenue
It is not often we can look to America for good public policy – but they have one good idea about helping encourage corporate whistleblowers while also raising revenue.
October 2024
The steady decline of voters choosing the major parties is reshaping Australian politics
Over the past 40 years the share of votes going to independents and minor parties has risen in both state and federal elections.
.December 2023
The Wellbeing Framework needs to come up with more trustworthy ways to measure “Trust in Institutions”
The Wellbeing Framework attempts to measure how well Australians trust their institutions. Unfortunately, the government seems to have chosen measures designed to tell a good story.
June 2023
In Australian politics, the advantage of incumbency is worth millions
While campaign finance reform can, if done well, reduce the role of money in elections, poorly-designed changes to campaign finance rules risk providing yet more power to incumbents.
March 2023
New South Wales needs to end its addiction to the pokies
NSW has one poker machine for every 88 people – more than 10 times the amount in Western Australia
Curated by
Off the Charts is curated by Greg Jericho, Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work.
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