November 2024
The uninsurables: how climate change is pricing people out of home insurance
More frequent and severe disasters are sending insurance costs through the roof, creating a north-south divide in Australia.
Climate change driving insurance premiums, adding to cost of living pressure and inflation
Climate change is driving an enormous increase in the cost of insurance with premiums massively outpacing price rises for nearly all other goods and services, making it unaffordable for many Australians.
October 2024
Federal Labor’s lesson from Qld defeat: bold progressive policies provide a pathway to a second term
There’s a lesson for the federal government from Labor’s narrower than expected defeat in the Queensland election: voters embrace progressive policies that address cost of living pressures.
September 2024
The gas industry is gaslighting us
Barely a week goes by without another shrill headline about a supposed gas shortage and alarmist claims that the lights will go out unless multinational companies are allowed to extract more gas.
Whenever you see these headlines or hear scary claims from the gas lobby, there are two things you need to know.
August 2024
Worth a Punt – 2% Levy on Gambling Revenue Could Replace Free-To-Air Advertising Spend
There is widespread public support for banning gambling advertisements on free-to-air media because of the harm caused by gambling. The main objection is that Australia’s free-to-air networks, hit by declining revenues and fragmenting audiences, can’t afford to lose the money. But there’s a simple solution. A small levy on the many billions of dollars gambling
May 2024
“Perverse Incentive” NSW Government Continues Native Forest Logging to Keep Carbon Credits Plan Alive
An investigative video report by the Australia Institute has found taxpayer subsidised native forest logging is destroying hundreds of hectares of the future Great Koala National Park each week, despite the NSW Government’s election commitment to put the land aside for protection.
Video Report: Native Logging continues in the Great Koala National Park
An on-the-ground video investigation into native forest logging and the people trying to protect the last refuges of some of Australia’s most iconic wildlife.
“Smash and Grab”: Backwards Carbon Credits Logic Incentivises Native Forest Logging
Ongoing logging within the boundaries of the proposed Great Koala National Park threatens the survival of endangered species and contradicts conservation efforts, writes Stephen Long.
Future Gas Strategy Takes Australians Through The Looking Glass
With the Future Gas Strategy, government policy has entered a backward land where logic is reversed, writes Stephen Long.
April 2024
NSW government dragging its feet on koala park for “sham” carbon credits
By waiting for a carbon credit scheme to be established before delivering its Great Koala National Park, the New South Wales Government is putting the species at risk, says Stephen Long.
Not seeing the koalas for the carbon credits
Rather than delivering on their election promise to create a Great Koala National Park, the New South Wales Government is sitting on its hands until it can earn carbon credits from forests.
The carbon con killing koalas
The NSW Labor Government took office promising to create a vast koala sanctuary on the state’s mid-north coast – the Great Koala National Park. Despite the threat of koala extinction in the state, more than a year later the Great Koala National Park is yet to be established.
March 2024
The end of capitalism with Yanis Varoufakis
Capitalism is dying, but not in the way you might think.
Great expectations: will Australia walk the talk on climate change?
The Albanese government came to power with big expectations around climate action, but are the government’s actions falling short of their rhetoric?
January 2024
The Pink Test is a feel-good story, but does it help where it’s really needed?
With the federal government announcing a desire to double charitable donations by 2030, Stephen Long examines the potential inefficiency & inequity of relying on charities, rather than governments, to provide essential services.
December 2023
Politics in the Pub: End of Year Wrap | Summer Series
Our summer podcast series brings you some of the best conversations from our webinars and live events in 2023. This year has been a doozy in Australian politics, and we need to talk about it. We invited a panel of distinguished press gallery journalists along to our Politics in the Pub live event, to give
Why You’re Paying More Tax Even Though Real Wages Are Shrinking
It’s a bitter irony.
The New Face of Climate Denial
Old-fashioned climate change denialism is the risk you run when you hold an international climate conference in a Middle Eastern petrostate and hand the reins to an oil baron, writes Stephen Long, but in practice, is Australia really much better?
November 2023
Clive Palmer of…Singapore?
Clive Palmer, one of Australia’s richest men, is suing Australia for $41.3bn, claiming it breached the ASEAN free trade agreement in relation to coal exploration permits. But he’s doing so…as a foreign investor? Stephen Long explains how Clive Palmer’s controversial legal strategies challenge Australia’s trade agreements and environmental laws. Stephen Long is a Senior Fellow
Who knew Queensland’s richest man is a foreign investor?
Clive Palmer’s controversial legal strategies challenge Australia’s trade agreements and environmental laws, and have profound implications for global climate action, writes Stephen Long.
How Labor out-loved the Coalition in its embrace of big oil and gas
“You know what you’ve been doing,” said Foreign Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator Penny Wong, wagging her finger at the Opposition senators across the Chamber.
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Emily Bird Office Manager
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor