December 2024
Mapping how extreme heat exacerbates inequality
Extreme heat is the number one cause of weather-related illness and death in all parts of Australia, except Tasmania. Older, poorer, and sicker people are more vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat. Our new report identifies the locations around Australia in which the greatest number of vulnerable people will be affected by extreme heat. Targeting these areas for support will ensure the greatest number of vulnerable people are helped during periods of extreme heat.
July 2024
Value for money? The princely salaries of private school principals
While public school funding lags, principals of private schools are paid up to four times their state system counterparts.
June 2024
Australian public universities are now spending millions on consultants
Figures from Queensland and Victoria reveal that public universities spend over $200m on consultants, while students HECS/HELP debt soar.
April 2024
Federal funding for private schools
In 2024, the Commonwealth Government will spend an estimated $29.1 billion on schools in Australia. More than half of this – $17.8 billion – will go to private schools.
Private schools, public subsidies: with $50k fees per child per year, how can tax breaks be justified?
Private schools are competing to see who can boast the most luxurious accoutrements, and the tax-deductions they can claim on constructing buildings are helping them do it. The Scots College is awaiting construction of its new library, which will resemble a Scottish Baronial castle. At one point, they had a hypoxic chamber for altitude simulation sports training. Newington College
Million Dollar Salaries & Private School Resources Underwritten by Public Money
The Australia Institute is recommending that private schools have stricter reporting requirements, greater transparency in funding arrangements, and increased accountability when spending public money, in a submission to the NSW Government’s review into Section 83C of the Education Act.
September 2023
Consulting firms a corrosive and conflicted influence on NSW Government
New research from The Australia Institute reveals the corrosive and conflicted influence of consulting firms on NSW Government processes.
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Emily Bird Office Manager
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor