September 2000
No. 24 September 2000
Mutuality in a Market Society by Pamela Kinnear Pearson on Welfare Dependency by Clive Hamilton Subsidising the Health of the Rich by Julie Smith Green Power: Taxing concern? by Richard Denniss
June 2000
No. 23 June 2000
Charities, Political Parties and the GST by Julie Smith Taxing Mothers’ Milk by Julie Smith Will Australia Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? by Clive Hamilton
December 1999
No. 21 December 1999
Investigating Crimes Against Humanity in East Timor by Spencer Zifcak Dr Kemp’s Leaked Cabinet Submission by Julie Wells and Clive Hamilton Australia Tops the Developed World in Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Capita Native Title and Anglo-Australian Land Law Compared by Ed Wensing Aluminium Smelting and Climate Change by Hal Turton BOOK REVIEW: Corporate propaganda: Getting
July 1996
No 8 July 1996
Manufacturing a Fiscal Crisis by Clive Hamilton What Should Governments Do? Auditing the Audit Commission Jabiluka: Mining the ghosts
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