Coalition for Climate Ambition

It is global crunch time for phasing out fossil fuels and protecting biodiversity. Despite this, Australia is still approving and subsidising new fossil fuel export projects that will add billions of tonnes of emissions to our atmosphere while native forest logging and land clearing continue apace. Australia’s emissions reductions policies rely almost entirely on offsets of questionable integrity that primarily function to enable new fossil fuel projects. Vested interests are desperate to complicate some very basic facts to prevent us taking the steps necessary to survive.
To be aligned with the science of what is needed to restrict the very worst impacts of climate change, Australia must, at a minimum:
- Ban all new fossil fuel development in Australia
- Cease all fossil fuel subsidies
- Preserve and restore Australia’s ecosystems and stop all native forest logging
- Reject the idea that carbon credits can offset fossil fuel emissions
The Australia Institute is convening a new coalition of organisations who support these four principles.
Will your climate organisation / community group join?
We want to continue to support community organisations whose values and priorities align with our research, and in this critical time, ramp up our research and communications support for community groups on the frontlines.
We believe that the best users of our research are those who want to combine our rigorous data with a relentless determination to drive change.
What will the Coalition for Climate Ambition do?
The members of the Coalition, with the research, communications and logistical support of the Australia Institute and each other, will work to support and amplify the voices of individuals and community organisations calling on the Australian Government to implement our four demands.
Australia Institute resources for community groups
The Australia Institute will:
- Support member organisations with research challenging misleading economic and climate claims by the fossil fuel industry and governments
- Help provide expert speakers for community group events and logistical support for Australia Institute public events for community group participation
- Provide media and communications support around the economic and environmental consequences of fossil fuel expansion
- Provide access to a range of polling on community attitudes
- Assist communities and community groups to engage more effectively in the political process
- Convene regular meetings to discuss opportunities to work together
For more information and to join, please email:
The Australia Institute is proud to have supported climate communities opposing new coal and gas projects and protecting forests and biodiversity around Australia for over a decade. And in this critical moment on climate, we want to help even more community groups to do more.