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August 2019
Coffin it up: Submission to NEPM air quality review regarding cost benefit analysis
The Australia Institute made a submission to the National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) regarding national ambient air quality standards for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide. The economic assessment of the proposed standards is not fit for purpose. The benefit-cost analysis underestimates the benefits of improved air quality while overstating the costs of improvements. In
Keeping up with the competition
Wholesale demand response brings benefits to consumers and reduces energy prices. A rule change currently being considered by the Australian Energy Market Commission is supported by a wide range of consumer groups, but opposed by incumbent energy companies. Demand response is being introduced in major markets such as the USA, EU and China, where similar
July 2019
Canberra: Laboratory of democracy
Most Australians want 100% renewable energy, a stamp duty to land tax swap and pill testing at music festivals in their own state, new national polling from The Australia Institute shows.
April 2019
Polling – SA Climate ambition
New research from The Australia Institute, released just weeks out from the Federal Election, shows that a majority of South Australian voters want the government to mobilise all of society, “like they mobilised everyone during the world wars”, to tackle global warming.
March 2019
Polling – South Australian Renewable Energy Targets
New polling from The Australia Institute shows that more than two thirds of South Australian voters (69%) want to see the state transition to 100% renewable energy by the year 2030.
February 2019
Fair Dinkum Power Senate Submission
The Australia Institute has long argued that the decline of fossil fuels in the electricity sector presents great opportunities for consumers, in terms of affordability, reliability and sustainability. The traditional model of centralised generators with a monopoly on supply is dying. Information and computing technology is providing the capability for consumers to flip the switch
January 2019
Saved by the bench
The Australia Institute released new research showing the Senate crossbench safeguarded $23.4 billion worth of investment in renewable energy, from 2013–2018, when it prevented the Coalition Government from abolishing three renewable energy policies (The Clean Energy Finance Corporation, ARENA and the Renewable Energy Target). The ‘Saved by the bench’ report is being released in conjunction
November 2018
Will-o’-the-ISP – Estimating renewable energy employment under the Integrated System Plan
Between 18,000 and 59,000 construction and installation jobs could be created if the Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan ‘fast scenario’ on renewable transition is adopted. It would see around 53% of capacity from renewable energy by 2030.
Renewable electricity policy for Australia
Australia has one of the highest per capita emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.If Australia is to stay within its share of the remaining, diminishing, global carbonbudget for stabilising Earth’s temperature increase at 2°C or less, a necessary (but notsufficient) requirement is to transition its electricity system rapidly to 100%renewables by 2030 or soon
August 2018
Select Committee on Electric Vehicles – General Submission
Electric vehicles are a very small segment of the Australian automobile market currently, with sales of just over 2000 vehicles last year, in a market with over 1 million annual sales. However technological and policy progress internationally is likely to see the global market grow significantly, with some predicting annual sales of 30 million electric
May 2018
Submission on Clean Energy Finance Corporation Amendment (Carbon Capture and Storage) Bill 2017
The Australia Institute welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee (the “Committee”) regarding the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Amendment (Carbon Capture and Storage) Bill 2017. In our recent submission to the Department of the Environment and Energy as part of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Statutory Review, we
Implementing wholesale demand response: AEMC submisson
Australian Energy Market Commission is conducting a Reliability Frameworks Review, which is looking at how to improve reliability in the National Electricity Market. In our submission The Australia Institute argues that the best market reform under consideration by the Commission is wholesale demand response. Demand response allows energy consumers to reduce or delay their consumption
Tickets on themselves
Under a draft rule written by the Australian Energy Market Commission energy retailers could use movie tickets and other tricks to cheat consumers. The draft rule waters down a stronger proposal by the federal government.
Report: Watt on a hot tin roof
How rooftop solar increases reliability and reduces electricity prices Rooftop solar generates best on hot sunny days, exactly the conditions that see gas and coal generation at risk of breakdown. This summer rooftop solar reduced demand peaks in the National Electricity Market by over 2000 MW, while a breakdown at a major coal generator contributed
February 2018
Clean Energy Finance Corporation Statutory Review: Submission
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Department of the Environment and Energy as part of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Statutory Review. This submission makes five main points regarding the CEFC relating to the two key issues for consideration by the Department, being: the effectiveness of the CEFC in facilitating increased flows of
People power: How Tasmania can fast-track community energy
The Australia Institute Tasmania has released a new report today which examines a proposal to fast-track the development of community-owned energy generators in Tasmania. “Community owned renewable energy will deliver financial benefits for Tasmanian communities at the same time as helping improve energy security, ” said Dan Cass, the report’s author. “Community owned energy is
November 2017
Choice Cuts
October 2017
Electric Vehicles in Australia – Report
Governments around the world offer incentives to support electric vehicles. Australia does not. This paper examines how we can boost electric vehicle sales – in four proven, low-cost ways. There is a race to transition the world’s massive car fleet to electric vehicles and Australia is falling behind. Technological improvements make electric vehicles more affordable
Polling – Clean Energy Target
Most Australians support a Clean Energy Target and they want it to build renewables, including most voters for the Coalition and One Nation. The Australia Institute surveyed 1,421 Australians in September 2017 about whether they supported a new Clean Energy Target. Four in five (78%) said Yes: the Australian government should introduce a new Clean
September 2017
Coal country backs renewable energy – Poll
Climate of the Nation 2017: Galaxy Research Polling and Data
When the Climate Institute has closed its doors, The Australia Institute was honoured to be selected to carry forward some of The Institute’s work as part of our new Climate & Energy Program. One of the important initiatives being carried forward under The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program is the Climate of the Nation report on
July 2017
Report: Saving mega bucks with negawatts
Australian governments are proposing to fund and build billions of dollars’ worth of new electricity generation capacity as the solution to our energy security crisis Regardless of whether investments like Snowy 2.0 or ideas for ‘clean’ coal power stations go ahead, these supply-side solutions will require many years to build and will have no impact on security of
June 2017
Climate of the Nation 2017: Australian attitudes on climate change
**Following the closure of the Climate Institute on 30 June, its significant remaining funds and intellectual property will be transferred to the Australia Institute, to help carry forward the Australia Institute’s climate change-related research and advocacy.** The Climate Institute has now been conducting its Climate of the Nation attitudinal research for more than a decade. It is
Submission to Climate Change Authority / Australian Energy Market Commission Special Review on power system security, electricity prices and emission reductions
The Australia Institute welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Special Review conducted by the Climate Change Authority (CCA) in conjunction with the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). The Australia Institute agrees with the AEMC that fundamental market reform is needed, and with the CCA that energy efficiency should be a priority. By