The Centre for Future Work has partnered with HESTA, the industry super fund for workers in health care and community services, to prepare a comprehensive report on the economic and social status of women in Australia today. The report shows that while progress has been made in some key areas, women continue to confront systematic barriers to their full participation in paid work, fair pay, retirement security, safety, and recognition.
The report, “Vital Signs,” was published by HESTA as part of the fund’s ongoing efforts to address the all-around economic and social well-being of its members – 80% of whom are women. As HESTA’s CEO, Debby Blakey, put it, the systematic pattern of economic and social inequality follows women right into retirement: “Women, particularly those working in health and community services, often work in part-time or casual roles and are often lower paid. This perpetuates the gender pay gap, ultimately leaving them with less money in super.”
The Centre for Future Work assisted with the economic and statistical research input to “Vital Signs.” Please see the announcement by HESTA of the report’s release.