Richard Denniss Book Tour

We are incredibly excited to announce that our Chief Economist, Richard Denniss, has updated and expanded his book Econobabble.
Econobabble is for those who, deep down, have never believed that it makes sense, economic or otherwise, to help poor people by slashing public spending on the services they need. It’s for those who have a sneaking suspicion that it would be cheaper to avoid the effects of climate change than to let them happen and then ‘adapt’. In this new edition, Richard Denniss demolishes the tired and misleading arguments of right-wing economic ‘experts’ with humour and precision, empowering you to cut through the babble and reach the truth.
And the best news is Richard Denniss will be promoting his latest book with an Australian speaking tour!
Richard Denniss in conversation with Sally McManus
More events still to be announced
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