Curing Affluenza Book Tour

“Affluenza is that strange desire we feel to spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t know…”
A truly modern affliction, affluenza is endemic in Western societies, encouraged by those who profit from a culture of exploitation and waste. So how do we cure ourselves?
In his new book, Curing Affluenza, Richard Denniss shows we must distinguish between consumerism, the love of buying things, which is undeniably harmful to to us and the planet, and materialism, the love of things, which can in fact be beneficial. We should cherish the things we own – preserve them, repair them, and then gift or sell them when we no longer need them.
Richard Denniss is the freshest economic thinker I know, brimming with ideas, challenging old views and finding new opportunities for progress. In this path-breaking book he shows how we can stop abusing the natural environment without great economic cost.
With special contributions by Bob Brown, Kumi Naidoo, Marilyn Waring, John Quiggin, Leanne Minshull, Jim Stanford, Bill McKibben, and Craig Bennett, Curing Affluenza will change the way you think about your place in the world.
Tour dates
Brisbane | 1 Nov 2017 > Avid Reader Bookshop
6.00pm for 6.30pm start, Wednesday 1st November
193 Boundary Street, West End QLD
Hobart | 2 Nov 2017 > The Fern Tree Tavern
in conversation with Bob Brown
6pm for 6.30pm, Thursday 2nd November
680 Huon Road, Fern Tree, Hobart TAS
Sydney | 7 Nov 2017 > Speak Your Mind: Technology Panel @ Newtown Library
Panel: Jim Chalmers MP, Lyn McLean, Richard Denniss, Claire Corbett
6.30pm – 7.30pm, Tuesday 7th November
8–10 Brown Street, Newtown, Sydney NSW
Sydney | 8 Nov 2017 > Gleebooks
in conversation with Ross Gittins
6pm for 6.30pm, Wednesday 8th November
49 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, Sydney NSW
Melbourne | 13 Nov 2017 >Readings & Victorian Women’s Trust
Richard Denniss & Mary Crooks on Curing Affluenza
6.30pm, Monday 13th November
Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston Street, Carlton VIC
Proceeds from this event go to the Readings Foundation and the Victorian Women’s Trust
Canberra | 22 Nov 2017 > ANU Pop-up